The WazirX Hack: An Analysis of Blockchain Security Vulnerabilities

The WazirX hack, which resulted in a $235 million loss, exposes critical vulnerabilities in blockchain security, emphasizing the need for continuous monitoring, advanced security measures, and rigorous verification processes to protect against sophisticated attacks.

July 21, 2024

The WazirX Hack: An Analysis of Blockchain Security Vulnerabilities


The recent $235 million hack on WazirX, India's leading crypto exchange, has sent shockwaves through the blockchain and Web3 security communities. This breach, which exploited vulnerabilities in the Safe multisig wallet, highlights significant concerns and challenges in the realm of blockchain security. As Web3 continues to evolve, security researchers, audit firms, and smart contract developers must stay vigilant and proactive in understanding and mitigating these advanced threats.


The WazirX hack is a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities that exist even in well-established platforms. According to Cyvers, who detected multiple suspicious transactions funded by Tornado Cash, the attackers meticulously planned their moves, starting with small test transactions days before the main event. This methodical approach allowed them to bypass security measures and gain control over WazirX's multisig wallet, ultimately leading to the massive heist.

Detailed Analysis

1. Multisig Wallet Vulnerabilities

Multisig wallets, designed to enhance security by requiring multiple signatories for transactions, have become a double-edged sword. In the WazirX hack, the attackers targeted the multisig wallet with six signatories—five from WazirX and one from their custody provider, Liminal. By compromising two private keys and using phishing techniques to obtain two more signatures, they managed to upgrade the wallet to a malicious version under their control.

  • Security Measures and Failures: Despite employing Ledger Hardware Wallets and a whitelist policy for destination addresses, WazirX's defenses were insufficient. The attackers' ability to phish signatures and exploit discrepancies in transaction displays underscores the need for more robust verification processes.
  • Key Takeaway: Multisig wallets, while adding a layer of security, are not foolproof. Regular audits, enhanced verification mechanisms, and real-time monitoring are critical to preventing such breaches.

2. Phishing and Signature Exploitation

Phishing remains a potent tool for attackers. In this case, the attackers deceived signatories into approving seemingly legitimate transactions, which were actually part of the exploit. This tactic highlights the importance of educating users and implementing advanced phishing detection systems.

  • Technical Breakdown: The attackers used sophisticated phishing methods to trick signatories into approving an upgrade to a malicious contract. This involved manipulating the interface and transaction contents, a vulnerability that could have been mitigated with better user education and stricter verification protocols.
  • Key Takeaway: Continuous education on phishing tactics and regular updates to security protocols are essential. Implementing multi-layered authentication processes can further safeguard against such exploits.

3. The Role of Custody Providers

Liminal, the custody provider, played a crucial role in this breach. One of the phished signatures came from Liminal, indicating a significant lapse in their verification process. This incident raises questions about the reliability of third-party custody solutions and their role in securing assets.

  • Critical Analysis: Custody providers must implement stringent security checks and maintain transparency in their operations. Regular audits and compliance with industry standards can help ensure that they do not become the weakest link in the security chain.
  • Key Takeaway: Trust in third-party custody providers should be balanced with rigorous oversight and regular security assessments. Enhancing the transparency and accountability of these providers is vital for overall security.

Latest Trends in Blockchain Security

1. Rise of State-Sponsored Attacks

The sophistication of the WazirX hack suggests the possibility of state-sponsored involvement. As blockchain and cryptocurrencies gain prominence, they attract the attention of nation-states looking to exploit vulnerabilities for economic and strategic gains.

  • Example: North Korea has been linked to several high-profile cryptocurrency thefts, leveraging advanced techniques and substantial resources to execute these attacks.
  • Key Takeaway: Blockchain security strategies must evolve to counteract state-sponsored threats. This includes collaboration between private sector security firms and government agencies to share intelligence and develop comprehensive defense mechanisms.

2. Enhanced Security Protocols

In response to growing threats, the blockchain industry is developing enhanced security protocols. These include more sophisticated multisig implementations, advanced cryptographic techniques, and real-time anomaly detection systems.

  • Innovations: Protocols such as threshold signatures and zero-knowledge proofs are gaining traction, offering more secure alternatives to traditional multisig setups.
  • Key Takeaway: Staying abreast of the latest security technologies and integrating them into existing frameworks is crucial for maintaining robust defenses against emerging threats.

Advanced Techniques in Web3 Security

1. Automated Auditing Tools

Automated auditing tools are becoming indispensable for smart contract developers and security researchers. These tools can quickly identify vulnerabilities and ensure compliance with security standards.

  • Tools: Platforms like Mythril, Slither, and Echidna use symbolic execution, taint analysis, and property-based testing to detect potential security issues in smart contracts.
  • Key Takeaway: Incorporating automated auditing tools into the development lifecycle can significantly enhance the security and reliability of smart contracts.

2. Continuous Monitoring and Incident Response

Real-time monitoring and a robust incident response strategy are critical in minimizing the impact of security breaches. This involves setting up alert systems, conducting regular security drills, and having a well-defined response plan.

  • Implementation: Integrating monitoring solutions such as Chainalysis KYT or CipherTrace can help detect and respond to suspicious activities promptly.
  • Key Takeaway: A proactive approach to security, with continuous monitoring and a ready-to-implement incident response plan, is essential for mitigating the effects of security breaches.

Case Studies and Practical Examples

1. DMM Bitcoin Hack

Similar to WazirX, DMM Bitcoin suffered a $304 million loss due to a multisig wallet compromise. The attackers employed social engineering and phishing techniques to obtain the necessary signatures, exploiting weaknesses in the verification process.

2. The Ronin Bridge Hack

In 2022, the Ronin Bridge was exploited, resulting in a $625 million loss. The attackers used social engineering to compromise private keys and bypass security measures.


The WazirX hack serves as a crucial lesson for the Web3 security community. It underscores the importance of rigorous security practices, continuous monitoring, and proactive incident response. As the blockchain landscape evolves, so too must the strategies and technologies employed to safeguard it.


  • Engage in Community Discussions: Join forums and groups to stay updated on the latest security trends and share insights.
  • Access Further Training Resources: Invest in training programs and certifications to enhance your understanding of blockchain security.
  • Explore Advanced Security Tools: Integrate automated auditing tools and real-time monitoring solutions into your security framework.

For further insights on the Web3 security space and engagement with top-tier smart contract auditors in the industry, join our TRUSTBYTES Discord.

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