Front-Running in Crypto: How It Works and How to Protect Yourself

Front-running in cryptocurrency involves inserting transactions ahead of others in a blockchain block to gain financial advantage, a practice driven by Maximum Extractable Value (MEV), which can be mitigated by designing MEV-resistant protocols, using private RPCs, and limiting transaction visibility in the mempool.

July 31, 2024

Front-Running in Crypto: How It Works and How to Protect Yourself


In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency and blockchain, front-running has become a significant concern. This practice involves someone intentionally placing their transaction ahead of yours in a blockchain block to extract value, often leading to substantial financial impacts. Imagine you're about to buy a pie at a bakery that's offering a 50% discount on the next sale, only to have someone cut in line and grab the deal right before you. In the blockchain world, this "cutting in line" can lead to much more than just missing out on a pie—it can result in serious financial losses.

This article delves into the mechanics of front-running in the crypto space, exploring concepts such as Maximum Extractable Value (MEV), the blockchain mempool, and strategies to safeguard against such exploitative tactics.

What is MEV in Crypto?

Maximum Extractable Value (MEV) refers to the maximum profit a blockchain validator can extract by strategically ordering transactions in a block. Previously known as Miner Extractable Value, MEV highlights the incentives for validators to manipulate transaction order for personal gain.

When a node on a blockchain is chosen to build a block, it can decide the sequence in which transactions are included. In Ethereum's ecosystem, users often add a tip to their transactions to ensure priority inclusion. However, this doesn't guarantee the position within the block, allowing opportunities for front-running.

Front-running is a classic manifestation of MEV. It occurs when a block builder, or another user bribing the block builder, places their transaction before yours. This manipulation can significantly affect transaction outcomes, especially in high-stakes environments like DeFi trading.

How Does Front-Running Occur?

Front-running can happen in two primary ways:

  1. Validator-Initiated Front-Running: A blockchain node decides to prioritize its own or an accomplice's transaction before yours, aiming to benefit from the anticipated market move.
  2. User-Initiated Front-Running: A user detects your transaction in the mempool and offers a higher tip to a validator to have their transaction processed first.

The Role of the Blockchain Mempool

The mempool (memory pool) is a crucial component in understanding front-running. When a transaction is broadcast to a blockchain network, it first lands in the mempool—a waiting area for transactions before they are included in a block.

Nodes share their mempool with other nodes to increase the chances of their transactions being mined. This transparency means that anyone, including malicious actors, can monitor the mempool for valuable transactions to front-run.

Example of Front-Running and MEV

Consider the following smart contract:

solidityCode kopieren

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.18;

contract WithdrawMe {
   error BadWithdraw();

   bytes32 public s_secretHash;

   event success();
   event fail();

   constructor(bytes32 secretHash) payable {
       s_secretHash = secretHash;

   function withdraw(string memory password) external payable {
       if(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(password)) == s_secretHash){
           (bool sent, ) ={value: address(this).balance}("");
               revert BadWithdraw();
           emit success();
       } else {
           emit fail();

   function balance() external view returns(uint256){
       return address(this).balance;

In this example, the withdraw function allows the caller to withdraw funds if they provide the correct password. When a user submits the correct password, the transaction is visible in the mempool. Malicious actors can copy the transaction data, front-run it, and claim the withdrawal for themselves.

Visual Example:

An MEV bot sees the withdrawal request in the mempool, copies it, and bribes a node to prioritize their transaction. This allows the bot to claim the funds before the original transaction is processed.

Types of MEV Attacks

Beyond front-running, other MEV strategies include:

  • Backrunning: Following a large transaction to capture arbitrage opportunities.
  • Sandwich Attacks: Placing transactions before and after a target transaction to manipulate asset prices and extract value.

For a deeper dive into MEV and its implications, visit, a leading research and development organization dedicated to mitigating MEV's negative effects.

Protecting Against Front-Running in Crypto

Several strategies can mitigate the risk of front-running and MEV attacks:

1. Design MEV-Resistant Protocols

Protocols should aim to be inherently resistant to MEV. For instance, adding access control parameters to critical functions can limit unauthorized access and reduce front-running opportunities.

In a decentralized exchange (DEX) like Uniswap, various parameters are used to protect against MEV:

  • Deadline: Specifies a time limit for transactions to prevent long-pending orders from being exploited.
  • AmountOutMinimum: Ensures the transaction will only execute if a minimum output amount is met, protecting against unfavorable price changes.
  • sqrtPriceLimitX96: Sets a price impact limit, safeguarding against drastic price movements.

2. Use Private RPCs (Dark Pools)

Private RPCs (Remote Procedure Calls) offer a secure way to send transactions by preventing them from being broadcasted to the public mempool. Services like MEV Blocker, Flashbots Protect, and SecureRPC provide nodes that promise not to front-run or disclose transaction details to outside nodes. While this reduces the risk of front-running, it may result in slower transaction processing and requires trust in the service providers.

3. Avoid Fanning Out Transactions

Limiting the dissemination of your transactions to multiple nodes can reduce the visibility of pending transactions, thereby decreasing the likelihood of them being front-run.


Front-running in the crypto world represents a significant challenge, driven by the inherent transparency and competitive nature of blockchain networks. Understanding and mitigating Maximum Extractable Value (MEV) is crucial for maintaining the integrity and fairness of decentralized systems. By designing MEV-resistant protocols and utilizing private transaction channels, participants can better protect themselves against these exploitative tactics.

For more insights and detailed explanations on MEV and crypto security, explore the comprehensive resources available at


In cryptocurrency, front-running involves inserting a transaction ahead of another to gain financial advantage. By understanding MEV and implementing robust security measures, users and developers can minimize the risks associated with front-running and maintain a secure blockchain environment.

For further exploration of MEV, front-running, and other blockchain security topics, join the TRUSTBYTES Discord.


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